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中國的漆器具有悠久的歷史,聞名於世的古代漆器,是中國古代勞動人民對世界的一個重要創造。 考古發現,湖北在距今五六千年前就出現了漆器。經過漫長的發展歷程,到秦漢時期,漆器工藝已發展到鼎盛時期,精湛的工藝、絢麗的色彩、華美的紋飾,令人嘆為觀止。漆器是荊楚文化的重要代表,古代漆器涵蓋生活器皿、祭祀用具、擺件等多個方面。

Chinese lacquerwares have a long history. These ancient lacquerwares, famous all over the world, are an important creation of the ancient Chinese working people. According to archaeological excavations, lacquerwares appeared in today's Hubei Province 5,000 to 6,000 years ago. After a long process of development, by the Qin and Han dynasties, the lacquerware process reached its heyday. Today, we cannot help but to admire the exquisite craftsmanship, brilliant colours and gorgeous patterns.Lacquerware is an important representative of Jingchu Culture. Ancient lacquerware covered many aspects such as daily utensils, sacrificial implements, and ornaments.

虎座鳥架鼓 圖/湖北省博物館



As is known to all, lacquered wooden objects are usually difficult to preserve, but Hubei Province is located in the middle reaches of the Yangtze, where rainfall abounds and the groundwater level is high. In archaeological excavations, the inner coffins and outer coffins were often filled with water, which helped to preserve the lacquerwares. Moreover, like the tombs of Chu, the tombs of Qin and Western Han dynasties are generally buried deep and sealed tightly, and the montmorillonite clay filled outside the inner and outer coffins can keep out air and moisture. Therefore, most of the lacquerwares unearthed in the province are well preserved.


壺 |


壺是盛酒器 ,漆扁壺是秦漢時期仿銅扁壺的新產品,為兩半木胎,分別挖制再粘合而成。壺蓋有圓、方兩種。橢圓形扁身,長方形圈足。多數扁壺器身有彩繪紋飾。漆圓壺有木胎、陶胎兩種,為兩半木胎,分別挖制再粘合而成,外表旋制。

Pots were used as wine receptacles. Lacquered flat pots originate from the imitation bronze flat pots of the Qin and Han dynasties. The cores consist of two halves, which were first dug separately and then bonded together. The lids are round or square. They are flat and oval, with rectangular ring feet. Most of the flat pots are painted with various patterns. Lacquered round pots have wooden or pottered cores. The wooden cores consist of two halves, which were first dug separately and then bonded together, and the wood was lathed into desired shapes.

彩繪牛馬鳥紋漆扁壺 圖/湖北省博物館

樽、卮 |

Zun and Zhi beakers

樽、卮為飲酒器 ,器壁為薄木卷制,蓋與底為厚木斫制。器身為筒形,直口,直壁,平底,器蓋隆起。樽與卮的區別在於樽的底部有三個銅蹄足,蓋頂有三個銅紐。樽、卮髹漆一般內紅外黑,在黑漆地上用紅、褐等色彩繪紋樣。

Zun and Zhi beakers were used for drinking. Thin wood boards were rolled up to form the walls, and thick wood boards were cut into the lids and bottoms. The bodies are cylindrical, with straight mouths, straight walls, flat bottoms and domed lids. Zun and Zhi beakers are different in that a Zun beaker has three bronze hoof-shaped feet at the bottom and three bronze pegs atop the lid. Zun and Zhi beakers are generally lacquered red on the inside and black on the outside, and patterns are painted in red, brown and other colours on the black lacquered ground.

西漢彩繪雲鳳紋漆樽 圖/湖北省博物館

耳杯 |

Ear cups

耳杯是用來飲酒的器皿 ,因口緣兩側各有一便於飲酒者手持的器耳,故稱耳杯,古人也稱羽觴。有木胎、夾纻胎兩種。器呈橢圓形,弧形壁,平底。耳有方形、新月形。方耳杯出現於春秋時期,圓耳杯出現於戰國中期。耳杯通體髹漆,有素面和彩繪兩類。秦漢時期出土的耳杯數量最多。

Ear cups, or Yu Shang, were used for drinking. An ear cup has two ears on the two sides of its edge for holding by the drinker, hence the name. Ear cups have wooden or linen cores. They are oval, with curved walls and flat bottoms. The ears are square or crescentic. Square-eared cups emerged in the Spring and Autumn Period, and round-eared cups emerged in the middle Warring States Period. Ear cups are lacquered all over, and they have plain or painted surfaces. Of all the ear cups unearthed, those of the Qin and Han dynasties are the most numerous.

鹿紋漆耳杯 圖/博物館中國

盒 |

He boxes

盒是食器。 商周時代,青銅食器多是重要的禮器,漆器也有禮器功能。秦漢時期,漆木食器的儀式功能已不強烈,髹漆食器更趨於實用。秦漢食器的種類不多,造型和功能與今天所使用的器皿幾乎一致。紋樣也多為幾何、植物和變形動物紋裝飾,顯得輕松活潑。

He boxes were used as food vessels. In the Shang and Zhou dynasties, bronze food vessels were mostly important ritual vessels, and lacquerwares also acted as ritual vessels. In the Qin and Han dynasties, lacquered wooden food vessels became less ritual and more practical. In this period, there was a limited variety of food vessels, and they almost had the same shapes and functions as modern utensils. They were usually decorated with pleasing and lively patterns of geometric shapes, plants and somewhat altered animals.


He boxes are round, oval or square. In general, they are red lacquered on the inside and black lacquered on the outside and are painted with black and brown patterns.

彩繪雲鳳紋漆圓盒 圖/湖北省博物館

盂 |

Yu jars

漆盂是秦漢時期流行的盛主食器皿。 為木胎,有挖制與旋制兩種。器形有斂口與敞口、平沿與圓唇之分。弧形壁,圜底 ,圈足。器表外壁與口沿內有紅、褐色彩繪紋飾,有的還在內底彩繪。盂是秦漢漆器中的典型器物,秦漢時期形制完全相同。

Lacquered Yu jars were popular grain receptacles in the Qin and Han dynasties. They have wooden cores that were dug or lathed into shapes. They come in flared or contracted mouths, with flator round edges. They feature curved walls, ring feet and cambered bottoms. Their outer walls and edges are painted with red and brown patterns. In some cases, their inner bottoms are also painted. Yu jars are typical of Qin and Han lacquerwares. The Yu jars of the Qin and Han dynasties have the same shapes.

彩繪鳳魚紋漆盂 圖/湖北省博物館

盤 |


漆盤是戰國秦漢時期漆木器的主要種類之一,用作食具。 盤的造型簡單,但紋飾豐富,大多彩繪雲、鳳鳥、花卉或幾何形裝飾花紋,顯得富麗堂皇。盤的胎質有木胎、夾纻胎兩種。形制有平沿與圓唇、深腹與淺腹之分,也有長方和圓形、平底與圜底之別。漢代漆盤多為淺腹,類似後代瓷盤。盤的口沿內外或內底用紅、褐、金、黃等色彩繪紋飾。

Lacquered plates make a major category of lacquered wooden objects of the Warring States Period as well as Qin and Han dynasties. They were used as food vessels. The plates have simple shapes, but they are decorated with gorgeous patterns of clouds, phoenixes, flowers and geometries. They have wooden or linen cores, flat or round edges and deep or shallow bellies. They are rectangular or circular, and their bottoms are flat or cambered. The lacquered plates of the Han dynasty usually have shallow bellies and are similar to the porcelain plates of later dynasties. Their inner bottoms or both sides of their edges are decorated with patterns in red, brown, golden, yellow and other colours.

彩繪雲獸紋漆圓盤 圖/湖北省博物館

勺、匕 |

Shao and Bi spoons

彩繪鳳形漆勺 圖/湖北省博物館

這件漆勺是以鳳的首、頸作為勺把,勺體挖成鳳身,雕出外張的鳳尾,平底可以穩當放置。它的造型是在寫實的基礎上加以誇張,形不失真,造型新穎別致。而且還用紅、褐漆描繪鳳的羽毛紋以及鳳的眼、鼻、耳,使它更加絢麗多彩。鳳尾下有「鹹口」等烙印文字。 此勺是前所未有的新品種。

The phoenix head, neck and body act as the spoon handle and body, and the tail spreads out. With a flat bottom, the spoon can be stood on a table. Its shape is exaggerated yet realistic and well-proportioned, novel and unique. Red and brown colours are used to depict the phoenix's feathers, eyes, nose and ears, making the spoon even more gorgeous. The lower side of the phoenix tail is branded with the characters Xian Kou. This spoon represents an unprecedented variety.

妝具 |



In ancient China, both men and women wore long hair and needed toiletries, such as Shu and Bi combs, tweezers, eyebrow pencils and mirrors. The toiletries were usually stored in toiletry boxes. The toiletry boxes of the Qin and Han dynasties are round, oval, square or rectangular, and they can be single or double-layered. A double-layered toiletry box can be divided into more than ten small boxes.


These small boxes are variably shaped according to the things that they are to contain: rectangular ones for hairpins, horseshoe-shaped ones for Shu and Bi combs, and round ones for rouge and powder. The lids and the bodies are snap-fitted. They feature straight walls